username: H0UISBLUD
password: euamoasun

🖇 max’s bday carrd!


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max (@H0UISBLUD)

Click in one of max’s pics to continue.

oie amor, tudo bem? espero que sim, bom eu não sou muito boa com as palavras mas eu queria te dizer que não existem palavras que descrevam o quão especial vc é pra mim, eu sou muito grata por ter te conhecido vc é extremamente incrível e eu te admiro demais, continua sendo forte vc está indo incrivelmente bem! espero te encontrar logo...te amo daqui até a eternidade príncipe, feliz aniversário! <33

if u chose the first pic i have a note for you...

if u chose the second pic some of your favs have a note for you...

hey babe you’re one of my one less lonely girl’s i love you and wish u a happy happy birthday, i’m very proud of you, keep strong, you’re amazing!

hi luv sun told me that today it’s your birthday and i just wanna wish the best things for ya! you’re amazing and you’re doing great i love you, faith in the future!!

hey max, i just wanna wish u a happy birthday!! you’re amazing i love you, thank you for always support me, i’m grateful to have a fan like you, i hope u have a wonderful day.

heyyy babe!! julianna told me today is your 15th birthday and that you’re my fan! i wanna wish u a wonderful day and the best things in the world! i love you so much! keep strong

hi honey, today is your 15th bday!! i’m so glad to hear that you’re my fan, i wanna wish the most precious things for you, keep being strong, you’re doing great and everything is going to be fine! i love you and i’m proud of you, happy bday max!

if u chose the third pic you’re almost on the end but i still have something for ya!! click on the icons to go to a special thing i did to you, hope u enjoy